Monday, December 19, 2011

Help Me With Superpoints by Joining My Network!

I'd love it if someone else would join my Superpoints network today!

Superpoint invite codes here:

Let me know if you have any questions!! My email is
Read my Superpoints reviews from earlier in my blog!


  1. I want to try Superpoints, it sounds good, but is it easy and fast?
    Also, at Gifthulk I earn easy even without referrals. And I already got frustrated with Swagbucks…
    I already got a couple gift cards from there.
    But i want to give Superpoints a try, so I'm wondering if it'll be faster?

  2. Someone else mentioned Gifthulk to me.

    I havent personally gotten anything from Superpoints yet, but I have definitely seen testimonials from others that have.

    They have said that once they ask for their rewards, they receive them fairly quickly, especially the gift cards.

    As far as earning points, I have almost 400 and I believe I have earned more than half of that in the past week.

    One thing that contributes to earning points is having more people in your network. Having more people in your network also makes it so that you can cash out with a smaller threshold.

    Let me know if you have anymore questions. I hope that this has helped and that you will decide to join Superpoints!


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